Diri Integral Guru Agama Katolik: Kekuatan yang Menginspirasi dan Menggerakkan Orang Muda Katolik Menjadi Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045


  • Hieronimus Suliaji STAKat Negeri Pontianak
  • Kornelia Karolina STAKat Negeri Pontianak




Catholic Religion Teacher, golden generation 2045, integral development


The role of Catholic religious teachers in shaping the young generation of Catholics into Indonesia's golden generation in 2045 is very important. This research focuses on the importance of religious moderation in the context of a pluralistic society, where religious teachers act as agents of change who inspire and mobilize young people through physical, spiritual and intellectual development. Religious moderation is the main basis for building harmony and tolerance amidst the diversity of cultures, religions and traditions in Indonesia. The aim of this paper is to understand how the holistic approach applied by religious teachers can prepare young people to face the challenges of globalization. The presentation method used is an in-depth literature study and analysis of the duties and responsibilities of religious teachers. Through this method, this article identifies various strategies implemented by teachers to encourage religious moderation and tolerance among the younger generation. The results of this research show that religious teachers have a central role in shaping the character and leadership of young people, making them better prepared to contribute to nation building. With a holistic approach, Catholic religious teachers can help the younger generation become a golden generation that is active in society. This research confirms that strengthening religious moderation through education and moral development is very important to create harmony in Indonesia's diverse society and encourage the younger generation to appreciate differences and build positive social relations.


