PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN 2024-12-24T23:51:31+00:00 Open Journal Systems <p><em><strong>Prosiding Penelitian dan Pengabdian Keagamaan</strong></em> is a proceeding created to facilitate the publication of research results and community service in religion: <em>Catholic, Islam, Protestant, Hindu, Budha</em> and other religious studies which are presented in national and international seminars organized by the Pontianak State STAKat every year.</p> Martabat Manusia Sebagai Dasar Kebebasan Beragama Menurut Dokumen Dignitatis Humanae Art 2 2024-12-24T23:51:31+00:00 Werenvridus Sadan 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2025 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Menjaga Harmoni dalam Penerapan Moderasi Beragama di Sekolah 2024-12-17T02:22:45+00:00 Winda Sari Kadang Datu Felisitas Yuswanto <p><em>The implementation of religious moderation in schools plays a crucial role in maintaining religious harmony in a diverse society. Religious moderation teaches a wise approach in addressing differences, emphasizing the importance of tolerance, mutual respect, and avoiding extremism in practicing religious teachings. In schools, religious moderation can be applied through education that prioritizes values of togetherness, understanding diversity, and respecting others' rights to practice their religion. This approach is essential in creating an inclusive environment where every student feels safe and valued, without feeling threatened by differences in beliefs. Through various educational activities, both inside and outside the classroom, schools can serve as an effective platform in shaping students' moderate and tolerant character. Thus, the implementation of religious moderation in schools contributes to the creation of a harmonious climate, reduces the potential for conflict, and helps form a generation capable of living together in religious and cultural diversity.</em></p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Studi Simbolik Ukiran Toraja Dalam Membangun Moderasi Beragama Pada Buku Berjudul Bisikan Suci Passura’ Toraya Karangan R.D. Yans Sulo Paganna’ 2024-12-17T02:23:55+00:00 Eunekel eunekel <p>The Republic of Indonesia is a pluralistic country, consisting of various ethnicities, languages, cultures, customs, religions and various other uniqueness in each region. This fact gives the characteristic of Indonesia, which distinguishes it from other countries in the world. However, we cannot close our eyes, that the differences that exist are often a source of division in brotherhood. Realizing this condition, the Catholic Church is called to build brotherhood with everyone by issuing a number of teachings. Even long before the religious moderation movement in Indonesia began to be echoed, through the Second Vatican Council (Nostra Aetate and Gaudium et Spes) the Catholic Church has paid serious attention to the condition of diversity, by showing solutions through a number of teachings in order to build brotherhood amidst the differences that exist. The purpose of this study is to explore how (from the perspective of the Catholic Church and one of the Moderate Islamic figures) we can strive to achieve tolerance through religious moderation. This view is then translated into the Toraja cultural heritage through Toraja carving motifs that are rich in meaning, with the intention that the Toraja people in particular are free to understand how to implement religious moderation in terms of concrete experiences around them. This study uses a library research approach, using a descriptive method. The author uses a book by R.D. Yans Solu Paganna, as the main reference for presenting data and is supported by a number of documents and books in the most relevant online databases.</p> 2025-01-05T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Keragaman Menuju Kesatuan: Implementasi Moderasi Beragama di Lingkungan Kerja SLB Malika Center Jakarta 2024-12-17T02:24:44+00:00 Jenitriana Timo Neonbasu <p><em>This study explores the application of religious moderation at SLB Malika Center Jakarta, an educational institution for children with special needs, which has staff from diverse religious backgrounds. Religious moderation, which includes an attitude of tolerance and respect for differences, is considered key to creating a harmonious working atmosphere. Through a qualitative approach, the study involves in-depth interviews and focused group discussions with staff, as well as participatory observation to understand the internal dynamics and challenges faced. The results of the study showed that training on religious moderation and open dialogue helped staff overcome stereotypes and build respectful relationships. SLB Malika Center also implements practical strategies such as social activities to facilitate collaboration between staff. By prioritizing education about diversity and providing space for dialogue, the institution creates an inclusive work environment. This research highlights the importance of policy support in creating a conducive working atmosphere for religious moderation, making SLB Malika Center a model for other educational institutions. Through this approach, it is hoped that a harmonious and productive work atmosphere will be created, where every individual is valued regardless of their religious background.</em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Analisis Konsep-Konsep Penting Moderasi Beragama dalam Perspektif Gereja Katolik 2024-12-17T02:25:29+00:00 Werenvridus Sadan Felisitas Yuswanto <p>The Catholic Church is a religious institution centered on faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Specific studies related to the Catholic Church are found in Ecclesiology. Regarding the issue of religious moderation, the Catholic Church must also show how tolerance is maintained within the framework of religious moderation. Religious moderation is an important and interesting issue to discuss. Moderation is not just about maintaining harmony and harmony. Religious life today where adherents must be able to interact with each other. Interaction in this case is directed at good things that are useful for the development of religious and societal life. Talking about the concept of religious moderation in Indonesia, of course it can never be separated from doing justice, living in harmony, harmony, tolerance, and mutually maintaining the principle of balance, commitment and continuing to strive for and prioritize the principle of non-violence. In this article, the author wants to pay attention to several principles that must be present in religious moderation. Some of these principles are Justice and Balance, Tolerance, National Commitment, Non-violence, and Acceptance of Tradition. The method used by the author in compiling this paper is by using the library method.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Diri Integral Guru Agama Katolik: Kekuatan yang Menginspirasi dan Menggerakkan Orang Muda Katolik Menjadi Generasi Emas Indonesia 2045 2024-12-17T02:26:18+00:00 Hieronimus Suliaji Kornelia Karolina <p><em>The role of Catholic religious teachers in shaping the young generation of Catholics into Indonesia's golden generation in 2045 is very important. This research focuses on the importance of religious moderation in the context of a pluralistic society, where religious teachers act as agents of change who inspire and mobilize young people through physical, spiritual and intellectual development. Religious moderation is the main basis for building harmony and tolerance amidst the diversity of cultures, religions and traditions in Indonesia. The aim of this paper is to understand how the holistic approach applied by religious teachers can prepare young people to face the challenges of globalization. The presentation method used is an in-depth literature study and analysis of the duties and responsibilities of religious teachers. Through this method, this article identifies various strategies implemented by teachers to encourage religious moderation and tolerance among the younger generation. The results of this research show that religious teachers have a central role in shaping the character and leadership of young people, making them better prepared to contribute to nation building. With a holistic approach, Catholic religious teachers can help the younger generation become a golden generation that is active in society. This research confirms that strengthening religious moderation through education and moral development is very important to create harmony in Indonesia's diverse society and encourage the younger generation to appreciate differences and build positive social relations. </em></p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Menjebatani Perbedaan: Peran Moderasi Beragama dalam Membangun Toleransi Melalui Pendekatan Paradigma Pendidikan Dominikan 2024-12-23T14:55:57+00:00 M. Inosensia D. Bela <p>This journal aims to explore the role of religious moderation in building tolerance through a Dominican educational paradigm approach. And how religious moderation can bridge differences through education. In a multicultural society, differences are often a source of conflict. Therefore, it is important to better understand how religious moderation can function as a tool to reduce conflict and tension. Education with a Dominican educational paradigm approach can help in increasing the role of religious moderation. This approach emphasizes the importance of interfaith dialogue and acceptance of differences as part of the educational process, which is an innovation in the development of an inclusive educational curriculum. By using the Dominican educational paradigm approach, known as the principles of dialogue and the search for truth, the author provides a new perspective on how education can play a role in creating a more tolerant society. This research uses qualitative research methods with an approach to literature study. The research results from this journal not only provide an in-depth analysis of the role of religious moderation in education but also offer practical solutions that can be implemented in the educational context in Indonesia through the Dominican educational paradigm approach.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Etika Moderasi Beragama dalam Konteks Ajaran Katolik Perspektif Guru Agama 2024-12-23T14:44:21+00:00 Silfester O. R. Hipir <p>Religious moderation is an attitude that must be instilled in Indonesian society to increase unity and unity. In improving attitudes of moderation in the school or community environment, Catholic religious teachers have an important role. With very rich ethnic, religious and cultural diversity, religious moderation becomes very relevant to avoid conflict between religious groups and create social harmony, especially in schools. Catholic religious education teachers can act as preachers, educators and providers of pastoral care in accordance with Catholic teachings, especially in dealing with social diversity in Indonesia. In this view, moderation is not just an attitude, but also reflects a balanced and fair perspective and practice of religious life.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Moderasi Beragama dalam Pendidikan Agama Katolik: Membangun Harmoni di Tengah Keberagaman 2024-12-23T14:45:42+00:00 Yohanes Chandra Kurnia Saputra 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Modernisasi Beragama dalam Kegiatan Berladang di Masyarakat Dedai, Kabupaten Sintang 2024-12-23T14:53:25+00:00 Albertus Agung Kurniawan <p>This research examines how religious modernization influences the farming practices of the Dedai community, Sintang Regency. Through a qualitative approach, this research analyzes how Catholic teachings are integrated with local traditions in the context of farming. The research results show that religious modernization in Dedai has triggered significant changes in farming practices, especially in terms of natural resource management and social relations. The adoption of the ecological principles of the encyclical Laudato Si' has encouraged communities to adopt sustainable agricultural practices. However, this process is also faced with challenges in maintaining a balance between traditional and modern values. This research highlights the importance of dialogue between religion, culture and science in the context of sustainable development in rural areas.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Pancasila dan Bhineka Tunggal Ika Adalah Fondasi Integrasi Bangsa Indonesia 2024-12-23T14:48:46+00:00 Nopentus Yudie <p>This research examines the philosophical meaning of Pancasila and Bhineka Tunggal Ika in the context of tolerance between ethnicities, races, religions, and groups in Indonesia. Using library research methods and a descriptive approach, this research explores the historical roots and significance of the two concepts as the basis for national integration. This research finds that Pancasila, as a synthesis of various global ideologies adapted to the Indonesian context, functions as the foundation of the state that unites diversity. Meanwhile, Bhineka Tunggal Ika, which is rooted in the tradition of pluralism since the Majapahit era, is a principle that reflects the theological-philosophical, state political, and cultural dimensions of Indonesia. These two concepts play an important role in building and maintaining tolerance and unity amidst Indonesia’s diversity.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Pemahaman Siswa kelas XII SMA Negeri 1 ATSJ, Kabupaten Asmat Tentang Moderasi Beragama Dalam Hidup Beragama 2024-12-23T14:49:55+00:00 Yosep Lamuji 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Teori Modernisasi dan Kritiknya dalam Studi Agama Menurut Perspektif Katolik 2024-12-23T14:51:49+00:00 Albertus Agung Kurniawan <p>Modernization theory is often the main framework for understanding social, economic and cultural changes that occur amidst the progress of modern society. In religious studies, this theory is often associated with the process of secularization and marginalization of the role of religion in public life. The Catholic Church, as a religious institution that has existed for centuries, faces various challenges resulting from modernization, including religious pluralism, the privatization of faith, and the influence of science and technology. This article discusses modernization theory in the context of Catholicism, outlining its impact on Church practices and institutions, and evaluating criticisms of this theory. By utilizing theological and sociological approaches, this article highlights how the Catholic Church remains relevant amidst modernity through dialogue, reform, and its commitment to universal values.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar PAKBP Kelas VI Dengan Tema Modernisasi Beragama Melalui Permainan Ular Tangga Di SDN 28 Mengkirai Kab Sintang 2024-12-23T14:47:10+00:00 Albertus Agung Kurniawan <p>This research aims to improve learning outcomes and the character of the Pancasila Student Profile (P3) in the critical reasoning dimension through the application of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model with the help of snakes and ladders interactive media in the subjects of Catholic Religious Education and Character. The research was carried out in two cycles at SDN 28 Mengkirai with material on various types of modernization and pride as an Indonesian nation. Cycle I was carried out on November 5 2024 for 3 x 45 minutes. Based on the results of the first cycle of observations, it appears that the character of the Pancasila Student Profile in the critical reasoning dimension has emerged, but still needs improvement. There is one student in the advanced category, five students are proficient, six students are eligible, and one student is developing. The average post-test score for cycle I reached 73. In cycle II, which was also held on November 5 2024, there was a significant increase in critical reasoning character and learning outcomes. There is increased interaction between teachers and students as well as between students, which encourages better understanding of the material. The average post-test score increased to 83, with an increase of 10% for students who needed more attention. Thus, the use of PBL assisted by snakes and ladders media has proven to be effective in improving learning outcomes and student character in the subjects of Catholic Religious Education and Character.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Moderasi Beragama sebagai Pendekatan Holistik: Studi Teologi Katolik dalam Pencegahan Kekerasan Seksual Anak di Kalimantan Barat 2024-12-23T15:16:22+00:00 Antoni Riyanto Wahyudi 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Moderasi Beragama dalam Dinamika Kampanye Pilkada: Upaya Mereduksi Polarisasi melalui Pendekatan Multikultural 2024-12-23T15:19:29+00:00 Antoni Riyanto Wahyudi 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Keterlibatan Keluarga dalam Pendidikan Moderasi Beragama di SLBN 1 Tana Toraja (Kolaborasi antara Sekolah dan Orang Tua) 2024-12-23T15:18:49+00:00 Ahe Thresia <p>Religious Moderation Training at State Special School (SLBN) 1 Tana Toraja presents unique challenges due to the diversity of students' religious backgrounds, as well as their physical and intellectual conditions. This study aims to examine the role of parents in supporting religious moderation education and the collaboration between parents and the school in fostering students' tolerant attitudes. The research employs a qualitative approach with a case study design, using data collection methods such as in-depth interviews with parents, religious education teachers, and the school principal, participant observation, and documentation. The data are analyzed using thematic analysis to identify communication patterns between parents and the school, as well as the impact of collaboration in religious promotion education. The findings indicate that parental involvement has a significant impact on instilling values of tolerance and religious moderation, which is further supported by a comprehensive communication pattern between parents and the school. This study contributes to our understanding of how religious moderation education can be implemented in various schools and highlights the importance of home-school collaboration in shaping students' tolerant attitudes. The study suggests that strengthening cooperation between parents and schools in supporting moderate religious education is necessary to create a more inclusive and harmonious educational environment.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Urgensitas Spirit Persaudaraan Santo Fransiskus Assisi dalam Moderasi Beragama 2024-12-23T15:18:08+00:00 Desidarius kaba <p>The spirit of brotherhood taught by Francis of Assisi holds profound relevance in supporting religious moderation within multicultural societies. Through his exemplary life, Francis of Assisi emphasized the importance of universal love, interfaith dialogue, and respect for differences as foundations for peacebuilding. This study aims to examine the urgency of Francis's values of brotherhood in fostering religious moderation as a solution to challenges such as intolerance and radicalism. The research employs a qualitative-descriptive method through literature analysis, focusing on Francis's teachings and the concept of religious moderation. The findings reveal that values such as humility, indiscriminate love for others, and a commitment to peace serve as practical guidelines for strengthening social harmony. Integrating Francis's spirit into religious moderation is crucial to promoting dialogue, tolerance, and interfaith collaboration, ultimately creating a peaceful and inclusive society.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Moderasi Beragama sebagai Sarana Mempertahankan Predikat Singkawang Kota Tertoleran 2024-12-23T15:17:20+00:00 Venansius Venansius <p>This article discusses the importance of religious moderation in maintaining religious harmony in Singkawang. As one of the most tolerant cities in Indonesia, Singkawang has managed to foster an inclusive atmosphere despite its religious diversity. The purpose of this study is to analyze how religious moderation contributes to maintaining religious harmony in Singkawang and its implications for the broader national context. The study uses a qualitative approach with descriptive analysis, focusing on the role of local government, religious leaders, and communities in promoting religious moderation. The results show that the implementation of religious moderation in Singkawang has led to positive outcomes, such as reduced religious intolerance and increased cooperation among religious communities. The study concludes that religious moderation is essential to preserving the city's tolerant status and ensuring harmonious coexistence in a diverse society. The findings suggest that the government, religious leaders, and the public must work together to maintain this harmony by promoting dialogue, mutual respect, and understanding. It is hoped that Singkawang can serve as a national model for religious tolerance in Indonesia.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN Implementasi Sikap Toleransi Beragama Oleh Peserta Didik Katolik Di SDN 13 Sepan Lebang Kecamatan Kelam Permai Kabupaten Sintang 2024-12-17T02:18:50+00:00 Herkulanus Pongkot Pasifikus Septryan Arius Arifman Halawa Mukarramah Mukarramah Angga Satya Bhakti <p>The problem examined in this research is how religious tolerance is carried out by Catholic students who are the majority religion towards Muslim and Protestant students who are minority religions. With the development of the times, this attitude of religious tolerance has begun to disappear. To see this attitude of religious tolerance, research was conducted on the forms and efforts to implement the values of religious tolerance carried out by Catholic students at SDN 13 Sepan Lebang. The form of research uses qualitative methods with descriptive form. The subjects or samples in this research were Catholic students, Islamic students, Protestant students and Catholic religious teachers. The tools used for data collection are interviews using interview guidelines, observations using observation guidelines, for documentation techniques using documentation guidelines and other documents regarding religious tolerance attitudes. Data analysis consists of four flows that interact with each other, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The main finding in the research is that there are forms of religious tolerance carried out by Catholic students as well as efforts to apply the values of tolerance carried out towards Muslim and Protestant students. In conclusion, the forms and efforts made by Catholic students can be seen from the attitudes shown by Catholic students towards friends of different religions when praying, worshiping and religious activities. The form obtained is an attitude of mutual respect, appreciation and acceptance of friends of different religions without carrying out hostility. The efforts made are that Catholic students show a good attitude in order to be an example to friends of other religions.</p> 2024-12-30T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 PROSIDING PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEAGAMAAN