Analisis Konsep-Konsep Penting Moderasi Beragama dalam Perspektif Gereja Katolik


  • Werenvridus Sadan STAKat Negeri Pontianak
  • Felisitas Yuswanto STAKat Negeri Pontianak



Non-Violence, National Commitment, Moderation, Tolerance


The Catholic Church is a religious institution centered on faith in Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Specific studies related to the Catholic Church are found in Ecclesiology. Regarding the issue of religious moderation, the Catholic Church must also show how tolerance is maintained within the framework of religious moderation. Religious moderation is an important and interesting issue to discuss. Moderation is not just about maintaining harmony and harmony. Religious life today where adherents must be able to interact with each other. Interaction in this case is directed at good things that are useful for the development of religious and societal life. Talking about the concept of religious moderation in Indonesia, of course it can never be separated from doing justice, living in harmony, harmony, tolerance, and mutually maintaining the principle of balance, commitment and continuing to strive for and prioritize the principle of non-violence. In this article, the author wants to pay attention to several principles that must be present in religious moderation. Some of these principles are Justice and Balance, Tolerance, National Commitment, Non-violence, and Acceptance of Tradition. The method used by the author in compiling this paper is by using the library method.


