Studi Simbolik Ukiran Toraja Dalam Membangun Moderasi Beragama Pada Buku Berjudul Bisikan Suci Passura’ Toraya Karangan R.D. Yans Sulo Paganna’


  • Eunekel eunekel STAKat Negeri Pontianak



Religious Moderation, True BrotherSombolic Carvin in Toraja


The Republic of Indonesia is a pluralistic country, consisting of various ethnicities, languages, cultures, customs, religions and various other uniqueness in each region. This fact gives the characteristic of Indonesia, which distinguishes it from other countries in the world. However, we cannot close our eyes, that the differences that exist are often a source of division in brotherhood. Realizing this condition, the Catholic Church is called to build brotherhood with everyone by issuing a number of teachings. Even long before the religious moderation movement in Indonesia began to be echoed, through the Second Vatican Council (Nostra Aetate and Gaudium et Spes) the Catholic Church has paid serious attention to the condition of diversity, by showing solutions through a number of teachings in order to build brotherhood amidst the differences that exist. The purpose of this study is to explore how (from the perspective of the Catholic Church and one of the Moderate Islamic figures) we can strive to achieve tolerance through religious moderation. This view is then translated into the Toraja cultural heritage through Toraja carving motifs that are rich in meaning, with the intention that the Toraja people in particular are free to understand how to implement religious moderation in terms of concrete experiences around them. This study uses a library research approach, using a descriptive method. The author uses a book by R.D. Yans Solu Paganna, as the main reference for presenting data and is supported by a number of documents and books in the most relevant online databases.


