Implementasi Sikap Toleransi Beragama Oleh Peserta Didik Katolik Di SDN 13 Sepan Lebang Kecamatan Kelam Permai Kabupaten Sintang
Catholic Students, An Attitude Of ToleranceAbstract
The problem examined in this research is how religious tolerance is carried out by Catholic students who are the majority religion towards Muslim and Protestant students who are minority religions. With the development of the times, this attitude of religious tolerance has begun to disappear. To see this attitude of religious tolerance, research was conducted on the forms and efforts to implement the values of religious tolerance carried out by Catholic students at SDN 13 Sepan Lebang. The form of research uses qualitative methods with descriptive form. The subjects or samples in this research were Catholic students, Islamic students, Protestant students and Catholic religious teachers. The tools used for data collection are interviews using interview guidelines, observations using observation guidelines, for documentation techniques using documentation guidelines and other documents regarding religious tolerance attitudes. Data analysis consists of four flows that interact with each other, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The main finding in the research is that there are forms of religious tolerance carried out by Catholic students as well as efforts to apply the values of tolerance carried out towards Muslim and Protestant students. In conclusion, the forms and efforts made by Catholic students can be seen from the attitudes shown by Catholic students towards friends of different religions when praying, worshiping and religious activities. The form obtained is an attitude of mutual respect, appreciation and acceptance of friends of different religions without carrying out hostility. The efforts made are that Catholic students show a good attitude in order to be an example to friends of other religions.